Gabriel's Auditory Playground was my final submission at university. I want to make a game with no visuals, that will be as accessible for the visually impaired as it is for anyone else.
Devlog - 29/04/22
Since the 27th of April 2022, Gabriel's Auditory Playground is available on Steam and all future development notes will be posted there.
Devlog - 26/04/22
Some small tweaks such as changing the pitch of the dog barking as my puppy hasn't found her voice yet and is very high-pitched. Also made it so the Shephard Tone doesn't snap into play and gradually appears instead.
Devlog - 25/04/22
I've added subtitles for the main menu in case people may need assistance from a third party.
Devlog - 20/04/22
It's the Easter holidays so not a lot of work has been done although quite a few quality-of-life improvements have been made such as clearer introductions and smoother menus.
Devlog - 16/04/22
I've fixed an issue with the chef minigame where the first order wouldn't load.
Devlog - 12/04/22
Ok so the problem was with Unity's new input system so that's a load off my chest. The game wouldn't function properly if the user had a controller plugged in but thankfully, it was an easy fix. Zombie survival has seen a few updates, the main one being one zombie spawning at a time, once the player kills a zombie, another will spawn depending on the wave. The countdown script for both minigames have had a variety of different phrases added as to not get sick of hearing the same thing over and over again, variety is key.
Devlog - 10/04/22
This week has been all about manking sure players understand the game before throwing them in the deep end. Once selecting a gamemode, the player will be read a short introduction explaining what's going on. On top of that, some more sound effects have been added to help immerse the player and add some variety. Hopefully, no more bugs will crop up as a pretty big one was discovered making some people unable to play. Unsure what is causing it yet.
Devlog - 05/04/22
Thanks to some more testing, I've thought of a way to explain each minigame to lessen the confusion.
Devlog - 01/04/22
Thanks to some feedback, I've made it more clear as to which food station you're at when playing Not Enough Chefs. I've also added some ambient sounds of a dog barking to help with world building.
Devlog - 31/03/22
Devlogs have been a little slow recently but work is still being made! At this point the second mini game is in a testing condition and will be released to the public very soon once I've wrapped a bunch of stuff up. The second mini game is a new take on a cooking game in which the player will be in front of three stations and have to build burgers to order. There's a total of 24 different orders to complete but if you mess up three times, it's game over!
Devlog - 19/03/22
Development on the new minigame has started!
Devlog - 18/03/22
Please refer to 17/03/22.
Devlog - 17/03/22
Not much development today but a lot of planning the next two minigames. Stay tuned!
Devlog - 16/03/22
We finally have high scores! Once the zombie survival minigame is selected, it will read your highscore to you so you know what you're aiming for before jumping in.
Devlog - 15/03/22
Today's challenge has been to spruce up the camera to make it less static. I don't want any gameplay information portrayed through any visual UI so adding some particle effects did the trick. On top of that, I've been messing around with the main menu and game over states to ensure they all flow as well as they possibly can.
Devlog - 14/03/22
I've spent most of the day polishing up a prototype to send to a few testers, streamlining the menu and tutorial as well as drawing up a few marketing materials. I've also included a pulsating logo to show the game is responsive on the off chance a game-breaking bug is unleashed.
Devlog - 13/03/22
At this point of the development cycle, the first minigame is in its prototyping phase. I've added a Shephard Tone that increases in volume depending on the distance between the player and the closest enemy.